So his famous experiment was plant hybirdization. It means taking the genes of a plant and mixing it with another plant's gene. Then it turns into a nother plant. A cross breed. It also has something to do with human genetic. Like how our genes are from both our Mother and Father but for plants it's slightly different. And during his time, plants were already hybirdizated. Because, if you study the reproduction system of a plant, it's easy for the plants to mate.
Soon, after studying plant hybirdization, he moved on with animal's hybirds. He started with honeybees because when he was younger he did study bee keeping (wierdo). But, alas, the queen bee had too many mates:) He had difficulties controlling them. Lol.
So bottomline, he did not complete the animal's hybird because he can't get the clear picture of their heredity line. But in 1868 he had to stop his science works to attend to life matters.
His works was only reconised a few decades after his death. He is also known as Father of Modern Genetics...
PS: His work was rejected when he was alive. Thanks for ur time...
Gregor Johann Mendel | |
Hahaha , cool pe the school name Gymnasium. :)